Spirit Human - A Reflection By Danielle Stevens

There seems to be a question facing humanity, a wonder, about how human life can connect with something bigger than ourselves. Never fully understanding something more than a natural response, something deeper than an instinct. Something that compels us, something that takes over, it takes hold of us. This is not fight or flight. It is the same feeling of being moved with compassion, or a change of heart. The constant battle between human and spirit. The natural and the unknown. The way our spirits are. Being set free and then sometimes getting pulled back into existence, pulled back into the living and feeling fear, doubt, shame, anxiety, depression. As Spirit Humans interact with society we quickly discover that society wasn’t made for us. The paradox between what is the law and what is right. We notice that society wasn’t built for us, but perhaps built for the humans living in it. It is a place to shelter the workers, a pasture to herd the cattle, a country with borders full of contradictions. These are the parameters in which society constrains us. We are only a number or a group to society. We’ve seemed to have sacrificed our true selves for power, wealth and culture.

Throughout history many philosophers, teachers, poets and writers have all examined humanity. All seeking answers and questioning our existence, our morals, our beliefs, our souls. The things that make us us. With their inquiries, we’ve gotten a response of overflowing art, scientific advancements, entertainment, comedy and other things that make life really fun. However with all of that, we still are in war with the body. We still question the depth of ourselves because the body is the other “thing” that makes us us in society and the world.

Power is and always was a constant battle. It’s a literal war zone. It kills, it sacrifices, it greedily takes the human spirit away to a deep dark hole, departing from us, leaving us as empty vessels, then brainwashing the emptiness. Although we are aware, we have yet to make strides to announce this dualism, this dichotomy. Leaving us yearning for a understanding of life.

Like any great pair, there seems to be a dichotomy of the world. A mixture of two races, two things, two views, two sides. Humanity wants to believe in the good unknown. However, humanity also lives in society, a physical realm. Society isn’t a home. It isn’t a comfortable feeling… it judges, it corrects, it convinces all of us that we are unworthy of goodness.

Today’s power is the media. It’s intentions, I believe are good. It started informing us of trade news, giving us updates on the war and overall informative information. It was publicly mass produced and used a grass-roots campaign to promote. Like any great pair there needs to be a yin and yang and sensationalism is that yang.

We realized quickly that media can reach and inform the masses, with this discovery, we saw opportunity for wealth. We saw advertisers, and big companies buying up networks and creating networks. Society saw the potential profit of promoting to the masses. And never saw the potential risk either.

The masses and media, or society and power seem to be two things that are in opposition of each other, but still working towards the common goal. Both are fighting for the attention of the human race.

I’m of mixed race. I’m black and white. I’m a slave and a free man. I’m a woman. I’m child-like, but also an adult, I’m fearful, but also excited. I’m spiritual but also physical. I see myself looking back at me in a mirror, and sometimes still can’t recognize who I really am. This is the world we live in, and it should be acceptable to discuss and let the masses know we should be promoting the idea of the spirit, we should be researching the soul, we should find others with the same belief and let them know that Spirit Humans are real. We are the true mixed race.