The Loving Archive (formerly Mixed Family Archives) is an ongoing social media series where mixed identifying people of color comment on their family dynamics and how it has impacted their identity. In celebration of Loving Day, when interracial marriage was declared legal, we’ve renamed our series and collected all of our posts into one interactive archive. Click on each of the photos to learn more about each mixed family and explore this growing testatement to the impact of Loving Day!

We think that exploring the beauty and challenges of our community members families is important because it is something many of us have never shared or talked about before. And of course, that is what Mixed life is about; exploring, learning, creating, and sharing your mixed voices. To create these posts we asked our community members to send in the following:

  1. A photo of any of your family members. For example, your parents or a really dope Aunt (old photos are encouraged).

  2. Write a short description or story about how your family has shaped, influenced, or impacted your mixed identity in any way.

To join the archive submit both of the above to!