#MIXEDLENS with Samantha Ko

Samantha Ko is eighteen and based in Los Angeles

I’ve always enjoyed being creative through drawing, but when I discovered acrylic and oil painting, I immediately appreciated the freedom of new mediums which helped me to broaden my expression. That step led me to expand further into more medias such as digital art, sculpture, ceramics, traditional Korean brush painting, and glass. With paint, graphite, clay and ink, I declare my personal outlook. That outlook has developed from exploring different cultures, both Eastern and Western, and the combination. I seek to showcase the resolute fearless females, undaunted by a world that is increasingly global. I try to face challenging issues such as rapidly changing technology and the deteriorating environment.  I would like to continue exploring my identity as a young Chinese-Korean-American female, and also encourage others to delve deeper into understanding and appreciating their own identities as well as those of others.

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