Painting Mixed Ancestry By Michelle Franzoni Thorley

mtAncestoresses 36x38 10 Inch SWOP (1).jpg

Original piece "Mixed ancestry" oil on amate paper and wood panel. 

I used to think I was the first mixed race person in my family. That was until I realized that most of the Mexican diaspora is a mix of Native American, African and European ancestry. I was deeply moved to learn that I have ancestors of every skin tone. I often wonder how each generation dealt with being mixed? I know many of my ancestors felt the pressures to pick sides and deny their truth. I know I don’t have to do that anymore. I am always being authentic to myself when I learn about my family history and my female ancestors. Knowing my family story helps me to know who I am, the real me. I’m the one in control of the family story now. I get to choose what to keep and what to let go of. I get to decide how this story will continue.

Addison Lee